Grab a nice cup of hot water or tea. Find some quiet time this weekend and enjoy encouraging and inspiring news about reflexology, traditional Chinese medicine and more things of interest.
Ginger against migraines – Coconut Mint Curry
A vegetarian recipe with ginger –Coconut Mint Curry .
Ginger could help with migraines. An eighth of a teaspoon of ginger powder would work just as well as sumatriptan (Imitrex), the migraine headache drug, but without side effects and it is cheaper.
Do I cancel my planned massage if I am ill?
Flu, cold, fever, the season has started. But if you were ill, would you continue with your planned massage with your therapist or not?
What if the real magic doesn't come in the form of a pill, but in the form of exercise?
A neuroscientist suggests there is a powerful benefit to exercise that is rarely discussed...
How to undo cavities naturally
How can you cure tooth decay and reverse cavities naturally?